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Available Presentations

Everything You Need to Know

Two Friends with a Tablet

Tweens & Screens

Participants learn why screens & apps are so popular and why this can be a problem for users. Negative aspects of extended screen time are discussed as well as strategies for managing it. Student survey data is also looked at and compared to national and international trends.  

Watching a Video

Teens & Screens

Participants learn the psychology used by designers when they create an app or a device. The effects of heavy social media use are discussed as are strategies for managing ones screen time. Student survey data is reviewed and compared to national and international trends. The potential impact of social media use on post-secondary applications and future careers is also discussed. 

Watching a Video
Family on Digital Tablet
Tablet Learning

Parenting in the Digital Age

Parents will learn about the psychology that phone and app developers use to keep users online. The impact of screen time on growth & development is also mentioned as are strategies for setting boundaries and having conversations about device management with their child. Student survey data is also shared and discussed. 

About our Presentations

Presentation material includes data and resources from experts in the field such as educators, psychologists, researchers and journalists.  Content is presented via a slide deck and includes data collected from the students and/or parents. A survey link is provided 1-2 weeks prior to the presentation date so that participants can respond annonymously to survey questions that are related to the given topic. 


Sessions can be 60 - 90 minutes long and they are interactive. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions throughout the presentation. 

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